Meet our owner
Coming from a long line of woodworkers it comes to no surprise that I fell in love with wood working at a young age, only 12 years old. At this age I was eager to learn anything and everything about woodworking and was blessed to be surrounded by people who could teach me. As I grew older my interest for woodworking grew with me, and at the age of 18 I started working for a highly reputable custom cabinet shop, here I was able to refine my skills, and approach woodworking from a different perspective. After years of forming part of that amazing shop and its team I decided it was time to venture off on my own with the goal of starting my own company, manufacturing great quality cabinets and providing homeowners assistance designing their own.
Learn our process
All of our projects will begin with a face to face meeting to fully comprehend our clients' taste and priorities. We find this step is essential to creating a product that is not only aesthetically attractive but also works in our clients every day life.
Before we begin spraying our newly assembled cabinets there is one more step, and perhaps the most overlooked. Here we must sand, and sand, and sand until everything is smooth, flat, and all of our edges are eased. Seems easy but doing it right make a crucial difference in the quality of our finish.
Cutting and milling
After all the planning, designing and decision are made, it is finally time to move the project into the mill. Here everything from the cabinet backs to the door styles will be precisely cut and milled to form the building blocks for all our custom cabinets.
Once everything is properly sanded it is finally time to begin applying a finish, and when it comes to cabinets a hard durable finish is a must, this is why we use a pre catalyzed lacquer. An added benefit of lacquer is also its wide variety of color options, including clear. To check out all the color possibilities visit the gallery of both our providers, Sherwin William's and Benjamin Moore, by clicking the buttons bellow.
Proceeding the milling and cutting process all the parts will then be passed down to 2 skilled assemblers who will be in charge of assembling everything there is to assemble in your project. Their skills combined with quality adhesive and joinery will ensure the sturdiness and high craftmanship of all our cabinets.
At the end of the manufacturing process is installation, here is where you get to see how the same concept you had in the past becomes a reality in the present. Our team will tape off your floors then carefully, and skillfully place, level and securely anchor all of your new cabinets and millwork in your home.